Driven Determined Pragmatic Organized

Hello, I'm James!

Software Developer & Digital Marketer

I am passionate about helping develop creative solutions that work! Whether it be a creative marketing campaign or a logical programming problem, I enjoy participating in projects that create value. I am working hard to learn several different technologies so that I can become a well-rounded Full Stack Developer that can tackle any challenge.

Here's some non-work related details about me. I really like the idea of personal growth and getting out of your comfort zone. Traveling is one of my favorite ways to go beyond what's comfortable. I really enjoy experiencing new things, and traveling lets me do that. I also enjoy learning a little bit about everything that piques my interest. Finally, I also like collecting vintage games, trading cards, and limited edition sneakers.

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Have a peek at some of my independent programming projects!

  • Web Automation
  • Personal Portfolio
  • GitHub Interactive

Web Automation Bots

This series of projects included a number of different Java programs that automated tasks on a Chrome Web Browser.

Personal Portfolio

You're looking at it! I created this Portfolio Project to be the basis of my personal brand. It briefly introduces my aspirations, skills, and previous works.

GitHub Interactive & API

I saw someone who had a playable Pokemon game on their GitHub profile! Markdown doesn't let users add JavaScript, so I developed and deployed an API to create a custom game for my own GitHub profile!

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Under the brand name KicksCookout, I developed and distributed several Java applications that automated web tasks. This series of projects included a number of user-end applications as well as a few dashboard applications.

Visit the KicksCookout Website

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Verified Nike Account Generator: Created Nike accounts and mobile verified them using SMS verification services. Also randomly selected and liked Nike products.
Email Account Generator: Created outlook accounts and took user input to solve captcha.
Nike Checkout Bot: Added products to cart and checked out using product URLs.

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Java was used to develop all these branded applications. The end-user applications, developer dashboards, and the REST API were all coded in Java. I used JavaSwing to code the UI.

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I created a user Authentication API to restrict who used my applications and connected it to a relational database. Using HTTP requests, SQL queries, and a MySQL database, the end-user applications granted (or denied) access.

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Using the Selenium Package, the applications were able to automate inputs given an elements path in the HTML DOM. All of the applications required a good understanding of the HTML DOM in order to automate click and keyboard inputs.

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Each end-user application made queries to a self-developed Authentication API. The applications also queried third party SMS verification services. In total, seven external APIs were used. The most difficult to implement was a service called TextVerified.

TextVerified API Documentation

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NetBeans was used to develop the applications. Eclipse and Apache Tomcat was used to implement and deploy the Authentication API. MySQL Workbench was used to create the relational database that stored authentication information. Finally, Postman was used to test the Authentication API and the third-party APIs.

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HTML was used to structure the Online Portfolio. Understanding the HTML DOM and nesting was important for organization and CSS compatibility.

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JavaScript was used to create some of the animated features on the page as well as the portfolio color scheme swap. It was also used to make the interactables more engaging.

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CSS was used to create an organized, aesthetic, and simple viewing experience. One emphasis of this Online Portfolio project was to utilize CSS keyframes to create engaging animated elements. Many of the animated features were created using CSS keyframes.

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The IDE used to code the Online Portfolio was Microsoft Visual Studio.

Side Note: I really liked the downloadable apps. The preview app was very helpful.

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I used Python and Flask to write the API that would update my GitHub game frames.

I've made this project public on my GitHub account so that others can use it!

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I deployed the web service on Google Cloud Platform using an Ubuntu F1-Micro Instance. I used GCP's SSH-in-browser tool to transfer the files from my local device onto the instance. Finally, I was able to deploy the app using gunicorn and nginx.


Please take a look at some of my previous works!

  • Creative Works
  • Storefronts

Creative Works

In this section, I share what creative software I have experience with as well as a few of my creative projects.


This series of items identifies the platforms I've used. I also describe and highlight the few storefronts I've had the opportunity to work on.

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Photoshop was frequently utilized to create graphics for marketing campaigns, storefront development, and more.

View Creative Works

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Illustrator has been used to design brand asset, customer journeys, and wireframes.

View Creative Works

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Created micro videos using DaVinci Resolve for marketing campaigns and social media accounts.

View Creative Works

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Photography: Photographed products for product listings as well as marketing material.
Canva: Used Canva for short animated graphics and image editing.
Blender: Used Blender to learn more about 3D rendering. Created one 3D animated video.

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Shopify and Amazon are the two e-commerce platforms that were used to develop online brands.
Shopify: Developed and maintained storefronts using Shopify Liquid and third party marketing applications.
Amazon Seller Central: Engaged in keyword advertising as well as storefront development and brand enhancement design.

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Engaged in nearly all aspects of developing and maintaining FCGoods and its online storefront. Redesigned and updated storefront, developed a product customization experience, and coded Shopify theme modules to be used in promotions.


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Designed and developed an updated Amazon Storefront for AutoBodyNow. Also created a brand story to be published with over a thousand products.

Visit ABN Storefront

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Assisted in the development of the Flickboards site. Engaged in adding and maintaining product listings.

Visit Flickboards Storefront

Work Experience

Have a look at some of the details of my professional work!

  • Weisser Distributing
  • FC Goods

Weisser Distributing

Digital Marketing & Web Support Specialist

June 2022 — Present (Full-Time)


Weisser Distributing is a warehousing company that provides fullfilment services for dozens of marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and more.

Duties & Responsibilities

Weisser Distributing is the parent company of FC Goods, the online storefront I was initially hired for. As I transitioned from an intern, to part-time, and then to full-time, I was given responsibilities in the parent company in addition to my already existing responsibilities.

  • Analyzed weekly performance metrics to determine appropriate advertising adjustments
  • Adjusted advertising campaigns in order to reach target ROAS, ACoS, and other key metric goals
  • Conducted market research of competing products to determine whether pricing, content, or other product adjustments would be required to stimulate sales

Fielder's Choice Goods

General Intern

May 2021 — June 2022 (Internship / Part-Time)

Digital Marketing & Web Support Specialist

June 2022 — Present (Full-Time)


Fielder's Choice Goods (FC Goods) is an online storefront that handcrafts and delivers one-of-a-kind leather accessories made from repurposed vintage baseball glove leather.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Developed a product customization experience using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to encourage sales for a new product
  • Improved upon existing assets by implementing Shopify Liquid and JavaScript solutions to make webpages more aggressive and easier to navigate
  • Communicated and collaborated with several department leads to integrate new solutions with existing management software
  • Operated and maintained many functions within the online store
    • Collaborated with Brand Manager to develop marketing strategies
    • Utilized Google Ads and Meta Ads platform to develop and deliver marketing campaigns
    • Managed and enhanced email automations to encourage repeat purchases
    • Designed creatives using Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and DaVinci Resolve
    • Photographed, edited, and listed new products online